Your guide through cancer

Dr. Terry Kraus

Dr. Terry Kraus, Your Cancer Guide

I am Dr. Stephen Terry Kraus. No doubt—you are viewing my website because you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, and you are looking for information and recommendations about the best way to treat it. Trying to decide the road forward can be overwhelming.

I am in a unique position to help with these decisions. I’m a recently retired radiation oncologist who’s treated every type of adult cancer and over 16,000 patients in the past 40 years. I have practiced in the New Orleans area for 26 years—most recently at Tulane University Hospital and Clinic, where I was the Clinical Director of Radiation Oncology. I also practiced at West Jefferson Medical Center. My training, experience and years in practice have taught me the best treatment options for all adult cancers and the best oncologists, locally and nationally, for different types of cancer.

Guidance On Your Path Forward

Although I’ve been on the cutting edge of cancer treatment for many years, in reality I’m an old-fashioned doctor. I have a personal relationship with all of my patients, and I consider it my privilege and my calling to treat them. I opened this second opinion practice to provide information and guidance to patients on the decisions that need to be made regarding their treatment and to answer all their questions … for as long as it takes.

Going through a cancer diagnosis and treatment is a scary and confusing time, and you’ll want a doctor who’s knowledgeable and experienced, who you can trust, who will answer all your questions, who will be honest about your prognosis, and who cares about what you and your family are going through as you fight the disease. I believe you’ll find I’m that kind of doctor, and I can be an invaluable resource to you and your family in helping you understand your diagnosis and plan the best path forward. I encourage you to read the notes and letters I’ve received from patients describing the care I’ve provided to them or their loved ones.

Additionally, I have established a podcast called I Hate Cancer to provide general information on different types of cancer and treatment. I try to deliver the information in as easy-to-understand a way as I can without dumbing it down. I invite you to listen to the podcast, and hope that it will be a great resource to you and your family.

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I Hate Cancer podcast

Listen to the latest episode of Dr. Kraus’s cancer podcast

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Scroll through all episodes here

Podcast: People with lung cancer shouldn’t feel shame about smoking

People with lung cancer shouldn't feel shame about smoking by S. Terry Kraus, M.D. Dr. Terry Kraus goes over and explains four new cancer studies: A study on chemotherapy in non-small cell carcinoma of the lung; a study about PDL1; a study about lung...

Podcast: Is chemotherapy needed for early breast cancers?

Podcast: Is chemotherapy needed for early breast cancers? by S. Terry Kraus, M.D. Dr. Terry Kraus explains what patients who have cancer should look for when deciding on a cancer hospital. Is the hospital staff courteous? Are the facilities clean? Is the...

Podcast: Lest We Forget (Memorial Day Special)

In a special episode of the podcast, Dr. Terry Kraus shares four stories of heroism from ordinary Americans on December 7, 1941. 

Podcast: Preventing Breast Cancer

Podcast: Preventing Breast Cancer by S. Terry Kraus, M.D. Dr. Terry Kraus goes over the strategies women can implement to lessen their risk of developing breast cancer. These practices include diet and exercise, regular beast exams and mammograms, and...

Podcast: Preventing Prostate Cancer

Podcast: Preventing Prostate Cancer by S. Terry Kraus, M.D. Dr. Terry Kraus covers some strategies for preventing prostate cancer. We all know that diet and exercise are important, that cigarettes are dangerous, and that alcohol should be consumed in...

Podcast: Easter Special: “The Man In The Red Bandana”

Dr. Terry Kraus explains the mission statement for his podcast: To inform and empower people all around the world through knowledge about cancer, from an oncologist with more than four decades of experience treating patients. In a special episode during the Easter Season, Dr. Kraus has a message and a story about the importance of sacrifice and rejuvenation.

Podcast: Potential Side Effects of Prostate Cancer Treatment

Dr. Kraus goes over the potential side effects associated with treatments for prostate cancer, including erectile dysfunction and incontinence.

Podcast: Surgical Treatment Options for Intermediate Prostate Cancer

Dr. Kraus covers the surgical treatment options for people who have intermediate prostate cancer, including factors to consider when deciding on a treatment option and a doctor.

Podcast: Intermediate Prostate Cancer Staging

In the latest entry in his miniseries on prostate cancer, Dr. Terry Kraus explains how the staging for intermediate prostate cancer works, including a breakdown of the Gleason score system.

Podcast: The Hazards of E-Cigarettes

The manufacturers of electronic cigarettes claim that “vaping” is safer than smoking. In fact, a “scientific study” by Dr. Riccardo Polosa got a lot of news attention recently for its conclusion that vaping is safe. Dr. Terry Kraus examines that study and questions its methods and findings, and shares what he knows about the dangers of e-cigarettes and nicotine in general.